參與同學請參考手斧男孩首部曲 (按)的書摘模式,將片段的書面感動,以我要回應的型態,PO在本篇文章下方回應區,下週將變成整合式的書摘網路分享
319-08 丁小雨 (一定要註明)
p30 "了解是智力單一面向的理解,他帶來知識......領悟則是頭腦、心靈和本能三個面向同時都能理解。只有直接的經驗才能讓人有所領悟。""就像乘客僅了解什麼叫開車,但是當你頭一次親手駕駛時,卻能馬上領悟到那是怎麼一回事....." (真是一點就通的妙喻)
頁碼 內文責任區書摘(2-3段)......(忍不住自己追加上去的話)
頁碼 內文責任區書摘中英對照
接力建置中 to be continued.....
譯序 這麼多年來,我也把自己關在一座牢籠裡,以為不要付出、不要接近、不要愛,就不會受傷,可是不付出、不接近、不愛的話,活著到底要做什麼? [ 一個激問法,的確,如果不經歷一番風雨,怎說的過你曾認真的看待生命? ] 314 27 張雅筑
Merlin nodded. “Your decision to take an unknown trail while encumbered with heavy armor takes great courage.
p.9 可是我得隨時準備好,跳上我的馬,朝四面八方騎過去阿! 301-02 田承芳
I can't take it off. I have to be ready to mount my horse and ride off in direction.
p.9 [ 有這麼一陣子,武士真是五內如焚,最後他終於下了決定,如果繼續穿著盔甲意味著他會失去茱利亞和克斯,那他寧可脫掉盔甲! ]301-02 田承芳
The knight was in turmoil. Finally he came to a decision.Continuing to wear the armor wasn't worth losing Juliet and Christopher.
P13他的盔甲讓他變的沒感覺,穿盔甲穿了這麼久,他已經完全忘了不穿盔甲的感受了301 03 吳芷瑄
His armor kept him from feeling much of anything ,and he had worn it for so long now that he'd forgotten how things felt without it.
p.21 你看來受苦已久,雖神勇不能自救。314 03 夏寧
p.21 問題不能困惑我,時機來時要掌握。314 03 夏寧
p.21 有人能夠幫助你,助你真我出廢墟。314 03 夏寧
P21你不能什麼都要。316 13 楊心慈
P21 We're all stuck on armor of a kind. Yours is merely easier to find.314 31 啊樂
A person cannot run and also learn.314 31 啊樂
Perhaps you have always taken the truth to be an insult.30107 張瀞云
"What is it?" asked the knight.
"Life," Merlin replied.
"Yes" said the wise magician."Did it not first seem bitter,was it not pleasant?"
P37 接受了生命的時候,生命其實是美好的..
Life is good when you accept it.301 26 黃科暾
P39. 當你和原力相連接時,過去、現在、未來,是一體的。 (316-30 曾逸昇[Dr.] )30118林思嘉
''Past , present , and future and all one when you are connected to the Source '301 42 李世雄
If you really were good.kind. and loving.why did you have to prove it? 30118林思嘉
p41:原力是萬物之源,那股神秘又看不間的力量。301 09 陳芷涵
It is the mysterious ,invisible power that is the origin of all.
p43:你爲甚麼總是要從別人那裡得到問題的答案呢?301 09 陳芷涵
Why do you always seek the answers to your questions from others?
付出自己是件很美的禮物。314-08 李政原
p51 禮物之所以成為禮物,端看被不被接受,不然就會變成雙方的負擔。314-08 李政原30111葛孝君
However,a gift,to be a gift, has to be accepted.Otherwise it like a burden between people
p53 汝有窄冷心,必有長寒冬。314-08 李政原30111葛孝君
You'll Have a Long,Clod Winter if You Have a Short。
p55 任邀翔之聰明鴿,會自保不受宰割314-08 李政原
The smartest pigeon who ever flew will never wind up in someone's stew.301-41 顏綾
你不能再像以前那樣生活和思考,因為那就是給你卡在這堆廢鐵的原因。314-39 韓立峰
P.63 因為有這件盔甲擋著,有多久,你沒有感受過一個吻的暖意、一朵花的香味,或是聽見一首有每旋律的曲子了?30113呂冠廷
And how long has it been since you have felt the warmth of a kiss, smelled the fragrance of a follow,or heard a beautiful melody without your armor getting in the way?314 35 許晏綸
P65 人們通常不能意識到自己走在什麼路上 305-5-姚欣儀
People are often unaware of the path they are on.(314謝依倪).
p67 「好吧,」他下定決心地說:「我要試試真理之道。」30114張仲宏
“OK“he said with resignation.“I'll try the Path of Truth.“
P71 你得要先拯救自己才行.314-11 龔本峻
p.73 - 在真理之道上打的仗是不一樣的─這場仗就是學習如何愛自己。
(There is a different battle to be fought on the Path of Truth.The fight will be learning to love yourself.)314 35 許晏綸 30510 黃懷容 305-25 曾晏庭
P73 從學習認識自己開始.314-11 龔本峻
p.73 It will begin with leraning to know yourself. 30521吳宜庭
P77 真正有感覺的眼淚,可以讓我脫離盔甲.(......) 314-11 龔本峻
Tears from real feelings will release me from my armor!3305-16郭家典
p.79 - 當你學會了接受而不期待,失望就會少得多。30510 黃懷容 305孫慈璘
When you learn to accept instead of expect, you'll have fewer disapointments..(314謝依倪)
p79 你開始能夠看到生命不同的形式,是因為你開始看到你自己內心的不同處
You're starting to see the differences in other forms of life because you're starting to see the differences within yourself.305--12 吳俊樺 305 26 董家蓁
p81「我這一生中大部份的時間都在失望,我記得我躺在嬰兒床上,認為自己是最漂亮的小孩。」316 17 駱佳暄
I've spent most of my life being disappointed,I remember lying in my crib,
thinking I was the most beautiful baby in the world.
p81「如果太陽沒有出來,也不會破壞兔子的一天,光作兔子兔子就很高興了,可是他無法想像,有多少人光是做人就會很開心的。」316 17 駱佳暄
He's happy just being a rabbit.He couldn't recall many people who were happy just being people. 30117 黃羽薇
p81「如果你真得認為自己漂亮,她說甚麼都無關要緊,你也不會失望。」316 17 駱佳暄
If you had truly accepted yourself as beautiful ,it wouldn't have matter
what she said,you won't have been disappointed.
p81 我開始覺得動物比人聰明了30523 陳映竹
" I'm beinning to think that animals are smarter than people."
p89.人要在了解後,才能真正看見( One can't really see until understands) 31413 吳采玲14岱蓉
We set up barriers to protect who we think we are. Then one day we get stuck behind the barriers, and we can't get out.(314謝依倪)314 35 許晏綸314 31 啊樂
P91 我們設下障礙來保護我們自己所謂的自我。然後有一天,我們就給關在這些障礙裡面,無法掙脫。
"We set up barriers to protect who we think we are. Then one day we get stuck behind the barriers ,and we can’t get out." 30523 陳映竹 30140 曾渝庭
人人都知道聖戰是甚麼,可是很少人了解真理31413 吳采玲14岱蓉
p91 我是有足夠的智慧,可以告訴自己什麼時候被困住,所以我能回來這裡,學習更了解自己
I have enough wisdom to know when I'm stuck and to return here so that I can learn more about myself. 305--12 吳俊樺
(Being quiet is more than not talking.)31413 吳采玲14岱蓉
p.93 只要和別人在一起,我就只會把最好的一面呈現出來 ,不能把障礙放下, 讓自己或是別人看看想 要隱藏的是甚麼305 26 董家蓁
When I was with someone , I showed only my best image . I would not let down my berriers and allow either myself or other person to see what I was trying to hide.
p95真理之道的路是走不完的,每次我來的時候,了解的越多,就會找到更多新的門 31413 吳采玲14岱蓉
(One never finishes traveling the Path of Truth.Each time I come here,I find new doors as I understand more and more.)30522孟韋辰
p97.如果你能鼓起勇氣留下,做你該做的事,這會是你這一生中最大的勝利31413 吳采玲14岱蓉
It will be your greatest victory if you can summon the strength to stay and do what you need to do here.30120郭澄蘊
p.99 他這生之所以會這麼喜歡說話的原因,就是為了不讓自己覺得孤單。[ 我想我們都很寂寞,哈哈 ]314 27 張雅筑 When there was no one to talk to,he talked to himself-just as he was doing now.30120郭澄蘊
Nor had he heard Juliet when she tried to tell him how she felt-especially when she was sad.It reminded the knight that he was sad,too.
“I've been around for years,”replied the voice , “but this is the first time that you've been quiet enough to hear me.”
P.105 You can't expect to learn everything at once.Why don't you get some sleep?314 35 許晏綸
113現在你開始用心,這是你本來就該做的 314 17
P113因為我了解自己,就能了解妳。我們都是彼此的一部份。316 13 楊心慈
Since I know myself, I can know you. We are all part of each other.30123蘇寶庭
P113現在你開始用心,這是你本來就該做的。316 13 楊心慈
P113如果他不愛自己,他也不能真正愛別人,他對別人的需要會變成一種障礙。316 13 楊心慈
P113. 人不必為了自己有人性而感到驕傲。 (316-30 曾逸昇[Dr.] )
One does not have to feel proud of beging human .
You are not going crazy. You are just staring to listen to your real self. That is why time passed so swiftly without your realizing it.
P121知識之堡是宇宙設計的,宇宙是所有知識的起源314 17
P123 沉默只能一人擁有,而知識是屬於大家的 305-5-姚欣儀30142李世雄
Silence is for one ;knowledge is for all.314 17
P123知識為指引前路之光314-18 楊舒伃
Knowledge is the light by which you shall find your way.314 35 許晏綸
P125你有沒有把希望當作愛?314-18 楊舒伃
Have you mistaken need for love ?314-39 韓立峰
P125也許你在這裡該學到的,就是你的時間永遠都不會不夠314-18 楊舒伃
P131 You already have just by knowing what you know.(314謝依倪)
P.131 You can love others only to the extent that you love yourself.314 35 許晏綸
p.131 武士越發痛哭起來,因為他了解到,如果他不愛自己,他也不能真正愛別人,他對別人的需要會變成障礙。 314 27 張雅筑
P131 你愛自己多少, 就只能愛別人多少 305 13 林洪毅
You can love others only to the extent that you love yourself
你了解真理,真理就是愛... You know truth , and truth is love.301 26 黃科暾
p.131 了解自己知道什麼,你就已經開始愛自己了。」314 27 張雅筑
You already have just by knowing what you know.30532 陳昱志
p133 沒有比自知之光更美的東西了。30532 陳昱志
There is nothing more beautiful than the light of self-knowledge.30101王姿晴
P.137 你在你自己和自己真正的感覺之間放置了一套隱形的盔甲,這套盔甲存在了這麼久,終於有了形貌,變成永久的裝置
You put an invisiblearmor between you and your real feelings.It's been there for so long that it's become visibleandpermanent.301-28 朱姵潔
P.137 你的一生並沒有浪費,你需要時間來學習剛才學會的東西
It' hasn't been wasted. You've needed time to learn what you just learned.301-28 朱姵潔301 25 張育銜
P139. 自憐淚止於自厭,此種淚不繡鋼鐵。(that is 自憐的淚是沒有用的) (316-30 曾逸昇[Dr.] )
Tears of self-pity end up in disgust . They’re not the kind that cause armor to rust .
P141 真正的知識是不分類的,因為所有知識源自同一個真理305 29 蘇慎筑
P143 人沒有野心會變成什麼樣子? 305 29 蘇慎筑 .
P143 如果你放棄,那我們就永遠出不去了 a0956658606
“ If you do ,we will never get out of here ”
P145 我的意思是,人想要變得比自己想像得更好,想要比別人好,你知道,我總是想做王國裡最優秀的武士。301 25 張育銜
I mean that they want to be better than other are...you know,like I've always wanted to be the best knight in the kingdom.
“I know,”replied the magician. “ Everyone needs help to under-stand a tree. Trees are content just being trees –the same as Rebecca and Squirrel are happy just being what they are.”301-30王若芳
P147 人都有想要變富有的慾望,但是如果有一個人變善良,充滿愛,有同情心,聰明又大公無私,那他怎們還有可能比現在更富有?31422
“Ambition from the heart is pure. It competes with no one and harms no one. In fact,it serves one in such a way that it serves others at the same time. ”301-30王若芳
P149 由腦而生的野心可以帶來美觀的城堡,也可以帶來雄偉的馬匹,但是由新而生的野心還可以帶來快樂。30532 陳昱志
Ambition that comes from the mind can get you nice castles, and it can get you fine horses.However, only ambition that comes from the heart can also bring happiness.
P151 分辨需要和貪婪是很必要的31422
P153 如果人能夠常常安靜下來,接受和欣賞,而不是跑來跑去地想抓住什麼,那個時候,他們就會真正了解由心而生的野心是什麼。301-31 李宛馨
If they would stand still more often to accept and appreciate instead of running around to grab , they would truly understand ambition from the heart .
p.155 原來人在聆聽自己 的時候,時間真的過得這麼快。 他想起以前要依賴別人來填補空虛,那時時間過得還真慢。30132 黃雅祺
He decided that time does pass quickly when one is listening to oneself .
He recollected how often time had dragged on and on when he was depending upon
others to fill it.
P.163 Self-knowledge can kill the Dragon of Fear and Doubt. 314 35 許晏綸
p164 如果沒有志氣和勇氣來試驗得到的自知之明,那人要怎麼面對自己活下去?30101王姿晴
How can you live with yourself if you don`t have the will and daring to test your self-knowlodge?
p171 人無退路 易做決定 314-39 韓立峰
P181 If that's the case, the let go -- and trust..(314謝依倪)
P182 His willingness to embrace the unknown hed set him free..(314謝依倪)
p183 認識到自己是因而非果,讓他感覺到一股新生的力量,不再害怕314 41 慧欣
p183 他不會再為了自己的錯誤或苦難,而責怪任何人或事物314 41 慧欣
.......to be continued.....by 佳暄